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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blusukan as New Political Campaign Strategy in Indonesia

Blusukan is going through place in which passage is difficult (crowds, scrubs, narrow alleys, etc.). Nationally, it is introduced by Jokowi as the governor of DKI Jakarta. Today, blusukan is also viewed as new campaign strategy that is done by some Indonesian politicians.

According to Deni Ahmad Fajar, a Tribun Journalist, blusukan is viewed more effective than opened field campaign for some politicians. Even blusukan is assessed more economical than opened campaign in a big field or building.

The new strategy represents a doer has good attention to poor people. He/she must visit home by home, person by person or small groups in remote places.

By implementing the strategy, public must not leave their main activity from rice field, traditional market, and other jobs to ‘watch’ political campaign. By this strategy also they can communicate better than only showing oration and Dangdut music in a stage.

Deni Ahmad Fajar. Musim Kampanye. Tribun Jabar. 22 Maret 2014.

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