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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Facebook Builds ‘House’ in Indonesia


How about Indonesia business, especially for Internet business?
Last time, I read that Google managed their office successfully in Indonesia. The company was introduced to Indonesia at least through three online facilities, Google search engine, Blogspot and Google Adsense.

Let’s see Google office with Indonesia characteristic below:

Recently, I read that Facebook will build their office in this country too. As we know that Indonesian people are categorized big users for the social networked media.

If Facebook built the office in Indonesia, it points out that Indonesia is a big target either for offline or online market.

Actually, I also read that some delegation from Path and Baidu visited Indonesia too. They want to know interest of Indonesian people related to their products. Then Indonesia is made a second target by Baidu, a big search engine from China.

Will they contribute to Indonesia positively?


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