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Monday, March 24, 2014

Most Unique Photos of Political Campaign in Indonesia

Are you interesting to know democracy parties in Indonesia as a big democracy country? Let’s see some unique campaign below:

1. Bang Damin, Obama and Osama

Photo [1]

The legislative candidate is Damin who is standing between photos of Obama and Osama. He seems have mission to create unlimited freedom. Unfortunately his campaign on the banner doesn’t represent messages for Indonesian people.

2. Don’t Elect Me

Photo [2]

In the photo we can read:
Jangan pilih saya: Don’t elect me
I’m not a legislative candidate
I like deceiving people

Whereas generally, I often see message: “Please, elect, vote, and support me because I have the best mission for Indonesia!”

3. Non-ethical Banner

Photo [3]

We can read two strange terms in the photo “Germo Cabul”. Germo is ‘pimp, and ‘cabul’ means ‘indecent’. So, is he proper for our legislator?



  1. narsis azh ah di Most Unique Photos of Political Campaign in Indonesia...bahasa inggrisnya o'on nih

    1. Silahkan, Pak. Saya sedang belajar menulis pakai bahasa gituan nih :)


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