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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Political Campaign, Dangdut Music, and Most Beautiful Celebrities, a Unique Campaign in Indonesia

Political campaign is very interesting for people who want to witness Indonesia as a big country with success democracy practice in the world. What is unique thing in the campaign?

I see Dangdut music is adhered to political campaign activities. It seems as one of strategy to invite attention of Indonesian people that’s usually done by Indonesian politicians.

I often hear that Dangdut is Indonesia citizenry music. So, if we show Dangdut stage, most possible many people will watch it, and then politicians have opportunity to campaign or do political oration.

Although Indonesian pop music is participated in such campaign too, but it’s still seldom done. According to me, Dangdut is still more dominant than other music.

Unfortunately, Dangdut is issued with negative performances. Erotic swayer of hips and most sexy dress often become accessories of the singers. Even some Dangdut program seems more suitable for adult people, whereas some children sometimes like visit Dangdut stage in political campaign too.

Special for Indonesia culture, such Dangdut is not polite. The music is from Indonesia, and I guess that many Indonesian people like it if it’s showed by ethical and correct artistic concept.

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