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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Presidency Plane and TKW Satinah, Challenge for Ahok Toward Governor, Japan Has Desert, Luxurious Hotel for Michelle Obama

Presidency Plane and TKW Satinah [1]

Satinah is one of TKI. Today she must be ready to face punishment of decapitation. While SBY used presidency plane for his campaign. Rieke, a politican of PDIP, hopes SBY wants to set aside part of presidency budget for compensate Satinah.

Satinah is punished because she killed her boss to save herself. And she will get punishment of decapitation in April 3, 2014.

No budget for Satinah? But…, always available for political campaign?


Ahok toward Governor is Not Easy [2]
Although many people are surprised by Ahok’s actions to save Jakarta from some violation, such as corruption, bribe, crazy bureaucracy, etc., he seems will not go to the top of DKI Jakarta without contra.

Some Jakarta people disagree if they are led by non-Muslim. The issue takes root from their Islam faith.

There is question: “Will Jakarta Muslims receive non-Muslim leader without corruption, or Will they receive a leader only from Islam though low quality?”

It’s related to each conviction. National law sometimes can’t against it.


Japan Is Never Died [3]

Japan is a smallest country, but it has big creativity. Hiroshima-Nagasaki and Tsunami can’t stop life of Japanese. It’s not an inventor nation, but it’s an innovator nation that is well known in the world today.

One of its creativity, the country has desert today. So, they can enjoy desert view though without visiting Arabia. Excellent!

Luxurious Hotel for Michelle Obama [4]

Before, I only know that Mrs. Michelle Obama is simplest, though sometimes I also hear that her dress became one of interests for model world.

But today, I just know that she did something like other popular people did. She stayed in China with a luxurious hotel. It’s Rp96 Millions!

According to Okezone, the hotel is most luxurious. So, is simple style not suitable for leaders now? I never understand.


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