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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Publishing English Articles in Indonesian Blog, New Experiment

In fact, I have a blog with full English, But, today I want to try to publish my English articles in this blog. If this can run well, then I will manage this blog more effectively, without log in two blogs.

Before, I made a blog, special for English articles so that it can focus on targeted audience. But today I think it’s depended on our ads planning, is it local ands or global ads.

Someday, I visited several blogs owned Indonesia bloggers. They published English articles in their Indonesian blogs.

How about bookmarkers?
This case that makes me doesn’t make such mix blog. But, I just realize that substantively this blog is a mix blog too. I published English articles here several months ago after I removed my articles from other English blogs.

What’s happened?
When I checked URL of this blog, I found that the English articles are dominant in Google pages.

Once again, mix or not, it’s depended on our target, either ads or audience. Hopefully this experiment will not disturb my readers (visitors).

If you are my readers and want to complain, please feel free to contact me through menu Profil. :)


  1. mencoba dan bereksperimen dengan perencanaan dan tujuan yang baik labih baik dilakukan....daripada cuman bengong doang.
    sukses yah

    1. Terimakasih Mas atas motivasi dan kunjungannya :)

  2. wah keren mas posting english nya. Grammar nya perfect. Pasti masuk ke halaman pertama google nih ;)

    1. He..he.. Mbak Ririn ini bisa aja ngasih motivasinya. Mohon doanya Mbak semoga saya semakin rajin belajar bahasa Inggris :)


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