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Monday, March 24, 2014

Sweet Fruits Original From Indonesia

There are many kinds of fruits in Indonesia. And some of them are still strange for foreign tourists, but they want to try to eat them.

Three fruits that are original from Indonesia as following:

1. Durian

My mother does like Durian, but some foreign tourists look strange to taste it. In Sundanese language, it’s known as Kadu. It has strongest special aroma.

2. Mangosteen (Manggis)


This is my favorite fruit. It is so sweet. Usually it is cheaper than Durian. Besides it, some people believe that it is useful for health, especially cancer. In Sundanese language, it’s known as Manggu.

3. Kedondong

Aaah, this is one of my favorite fruits when I was still a little boy. It tends to sour, though got ripe. I eat Kedongdong with hot condiment us. In Sundanese language, it’s known as Kadongdong.

In Indonesian language “Ke-dongdong”, while in Sundanese language “Ka-Dongdong”. Their difference only occur in letter “E” and “A”, alright?

Last time in my village, this fruit is frequently free.


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