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Monday, April 21, 2014

Definition of Education Reformation

Education reformation is improving relationship pattern between school and environment, government, planning development pattern and managerial development pattern, teacher efficiency and learning models restructuring (Murphy, 1992: 10).

According to this book, the reformation is not enough done in curriculum field. But it must be followed by learning practice change, either internal or external class.

As we know that Indonesia is a country that often change curriculum concept relatively without education human resource reformation. The result, curriculum of the country seems not run well. There are gaps among school, government and business.

Today, there are universities that initiate to build a new system. It offers education system that can bridge between campus and business, such as LP3I College with job guarantee program, Mercu Buana University with online business management class, etc.

Majid, Abdul. Perencanaan Pembelajaran: Mengembangkan Standar Kompetensi Guru. Page: 3. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

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