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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Professions for Most Beautiful Girls in Indonesia

Here, I just want to write a simple thing for fun. I see these professions are identical with beautiful girls. They are:
1.      Doctor

She is dr. Olivia. Her concentration is non-surgical care. This profession is identical with clever and beautiful/handsome people.

2.      Stewardess

Although this profession requires smart girls, it tends to choose beautiful girls. Actually if we want to assess them carefully, they are not only beautiful, but they are orderly.

3.      Celebrity

This profession tends to choose a beautiful girl. People say: “Success by selling their beauty.” Although talent and intelligence looks often forgotten, they will make a celebrity more competitive.

4.      Police Woman

Today, some Indonesian girls have an ideal to be a police woman. I see this profession become more popular after they often present about traffic reports in some television channels.

Will you add such professions?


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