A success teacher must understand and implement some
competencies to support his/her student so that he/she can achieve excellent
result in learning process.
Teacher competency standards include:
1. Learning management
It’s consisting of lesson plan arranging; teaching-learning
interaction implementation; students achievement evaluation; evaluation result
2. Profession development-oriented potency developing
3. Academics mastery
It includes education insight understanding and academic
study mastery (Depdiknas, 2004:9)
In theory level, generally many teachers know about the
competencies above. But in practice, they are not easy to do. Some barriers and
challenge frequently make a teacher loss of creativity that causes a learning
process can be failed. For example, limited facility, limited budget, etc.
Majid, Abdul. Perencanaan Pembelajaran: Mengembangkan
Standar Kompetensi Guru. Page: 6. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
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