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Friday, December 1, 2023

Islam Radikal: Transformasi Digital Dari Dakwah Menuju Politik


Komarudin Tasdik




The Indonesian government pays great attention to radicalism originating from “Islamic” websites because the Indonesian people are vulnerable to joining radical groups such as ISIS so that there are a number of websites that are blocked by the government which raises issues in society between the anti-Islam government and the government is very wary of preventing the spread of radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia. This research was conducted using the phenomenological method and the AIC (Attract, Inform, Community) model with the aim of knowing the readiness of a web to become a mass mobilization tool to join in religious or political activities of web owners. The results of this study indicate that of the 5 radical websites, the highest visitor is occupied by Era Muslim which has 14,728 daily pageviews. Of the 3 largest Islamic organizations' websites, the highest visitor was occupied by the NU website which had 45,674. Meanwhile, of the 4 Islamic mass political parties' websites, the highest visitor was PAN's website which had 4,500 daily page views. The ability of the web to support mass mobilization from da'wah to politics has not been seen significantly. Likewise, radical websites have not shown any significant influence on visitors/readers by utilizing the attributes of the AIC model. However, it should be suspected that the power of spreading their radicalism lies in the content. The transformation of the proselytizing masses into politics is shown that although there are some who do not openly party Islamic organizations, judging by the mass of supporters of their parties, it is suspected that the NU masses are heading towards PKB and PPP, while Muhammadiyah is referring to PAN. Meanwhile, PKS suspects that it has a mass of supporters from radical Islam.

Keywords: radical Islam, digital transformation, web benefit



Penyebaran paham radikalisme di web bernuansa Islam sangat intensif dan mengkhawatirkan karena dapat memicu tumbuhnya radikalisme di Indonesia. Pemerintah bersikap preventif dan antisipatif dengan melakukan blokir web-web bernuansa radikal Islam guna mencegah penggunaannya lebih luas. Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap web-web yang menjadi media penyebaran dan mobilisasi umat agar bergabung dan mengikuti tujuan pemilik web. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode fenomenologi dan model AIC (Attract, Inform, Community). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dari 5 web berkonotasi radikalisme intensif sebagaimana urutan, berikut: pengunjung tertinggi diduduki oleh Era Muslim yang memiliki  14,728 daily pageviews radical. Sementara, 3 web organisasi Islam yang diduduki web NU memiliki 45,674 daily pageviews moderate sebagai timbangannya. Sedangkan 4 web yang berafiliasi politik Islam, seperti web Partai Amanat Nasional (web PAN) memiliki 4,500 daily pageviews moderate. Sementara kemampuan web yang mendukung mobilisasi massa dari perspektif dakwah menuju politik belum nampak signifikan. Begitu pula web-web radikal belum menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan melalui atribut AIC model. Patut diduga bahwa penyebaran radikalisme ada pada konten sebagaimana nampak pada web-web ormas keagamaan maupun organisasi politik.

Kata Kunci: radikalisme, transformasi digital, web Islam, dan politik



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