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Friday, February 16, 2024

Prabowo Subianto Leads in Quick Count Results of Indonesian Presidential Election

Sumedang, February 15, 2024 – Prabowo Subianto, the former defense minister, is leading in the quick count results of the Indonesian presidential election. With nearly all of the votes counted, Prabowo has secured 58% of the vote, followed by Anies Baswedan with 31% and Ganjar Pranowo with 11%.

Prabowo's victory is a major upset, as polls had consistently shown Anies Baswedan as the frontrunner. However, Prabowo was able to mobilize his strong support base in rural areas and among older voters.

Prabowo's victory is likely to have a significant impact on Indonesia's foreign policy. Prabowo is a known nationalist and has been critical of the United States and China. He is also likely to take a more hardline stance on issues such as terrorism and separatism.

About the Indonesian Presidential Election

The Indonesian presidential election is held every five years. The president is directly elected by the people and serves a five-year term. The current president is Joko Widodo, who is ineligible to run for a third term.

The 2024 presidential election was the most closely contested in recent history. Three main candidates emerged: Prabowo Subianto, Anies Baswedan, and Ganjar Pranowo.

Prabowo Subianto

Prabowo Subianto is a former general who served as the commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces. He is the chairman of the Gerindra Party, the second-largest party in the Indonesian parliament.

Prabowo has run for president three times previously, in 2009, 2014, and 2019. He lost all three elections to Joko Widodo.

Anies Baswedan

Anies Baswedan is the former governor of Jakarta. He is the chairman of the NasDem Party, the fourth-largest party in the Indonesian parliament.

Anies is a popular figure among young voters and urbanites. He is seen as a moderate and a reformer.

Ganjar Pranowo

Ganjar Pranowo is the governor of Central Java. He is a member of the PDI-P Party, the largest party in the Indonesian parliament.

Ganjar is seen as a competent and experienced administrator. He is also seen as a moderate and a nationalist.

The Results of the Quick Count

The quick count results are based on a sample of votes from across the country. The results are usually very accurate and are a good predictor of the final results.

The quick count results showed that Prabowo Subianto had won the election with 58% of the vote. Anies Baswedan came in second with 31% of the vote, and Ganjar Pranowo came in third with 11%.

The official results of the election will be announced by the General Election Commission (KPU) on February 24, 2024.


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