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Saturday, October 3, 2015

Verb 1 Verb 2 Arabic Language

Hello Katabah!
In Arabic language, verb 1 is known as fi’il mudhari’, while verb 2 is known as fi’il madhi. Therefore, fi’il mudhari’ refers to Present Tense, while fi’il madhi refers to Present Tense.

In this post, I share examples of verbs 1 and verbs 2 in Arabic as bellow:

يَكْتُبُ(verb 1)
(to write)
كَتَبَ(verb 2)

يَقْرَأُ(verb 1)
(to read)
قَرَأَ(verb 2)

يَنْصُرُ(verb 1)
(to help)
نَصَرَ(verb 2)

يَحْمِلُ(verb 1)
(to bring)
حَمَلَ(verb 2)

يَذْهَبُ(verb 1)
(to go)
ذَهَبَ(verb 2)

Let’s see the sentence examples below:
يَذْهَبُ  اَحْمَدُ اِلَى فُنْدُقٍ
(Ahmad goes to hotel)

ذَهَبَ اَحْمَدُ اِلَى فُنْدُقٍ اَمْسِ
(Ahmad went to hotel yesterday)

a. Arabic does not have Verb 3 (Past Participle).
b. Fi’il mudhari’ can be used for Present Tense and Future Tense (depended on Time Signal)

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