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Java Programming
2024 A
SDA (Update 2023)

Web Fundamental (Update 2023)  

Applied Computer AB17B, TO dan MP
Aplikom 1: Google Form (PDF), Word 1 (PDF)
Aplikom 2: Word 2 (PDF), Word 3 (PDF)

Aplikom 3: Edit Indent, Kolom Koran (Youtube), Creating a Table (Youtube), Membuat Tabel Kompleks (Youtube)

Aplikom 4: Mail Merge, PDF
Aplikom 5: Invitation LabelPDF
Daftar Isi Otomatis 
Header and Footer, Page Number
Menyisipkan Gambar (sudah)

PowerPoint 1 PDF, Youtube
PowerPoint 2 PDF, Youtube
PowerPoint 3 PDF

Upload Latihan 11

Microsoft Word and Power Point (Office 1)
Word 1 PDF
Word 2 PDF
Word 3 (No File)
Word 4 PDF

Youtube: Edit Indent, Kolom Koran, Creating a Table, Membuat Tabel Kompleks

Word 5 (No File)
Word 6, Mail Merge PDF; Youtube Mail merge, Mail Merge dan Data Source dari Excel
Word 7
PPoint 8
PPoint 9
PPoint 10
PPoint 11
PPoint 12
PPoint 13
PPoint 14

Tambahan Power Point
Cara Membuat Teks Cantik dan Organigram Dengan Smart Art Graphics
Cara Membuat Grafik dan Tabel Dengan Chart
Cara Mengedit Tabel, Header-Footer dan Mengeprint Slide Presentasi
Rehearse Timing
Cara Membuat Short Cut Presentasi untuk Diletakkan di Desktop

Task 12

Microsoft Excel (Office 2, Aplicom 2)
Excel 1, PDF: Operasi Matematika Sederhana
Excel 2, PDF: Fungsi Statistik (Sum, dll.)
Excel 3, PDF: Fungsi Logika (IF)
Excel 4, PDF: Dua If atau lebih
Excel 5, PDF: If + And
Excel 6 (No File)
Excel 7, PDF: If + Or

Upload Latihan 5 AB16A

Excel 8, PDF: VLookup
Excel 9, PDF: HLookup
Excel 10
Excel 11
Excel 12, PDF: Database Statistik
Excel 13, PDF: Sorting Data, Function “Text”, Group and Pivot Table
Excel 14

Task 1 (e-mail)
Task 12a
Task 12b

Cara Membuat Grafik Dari Kolom Tertentu
Cara Menampilkan Persen Pada Grafik (Chart)
Cara Menentukan Interval Grafik
Kenapa Grafik Tidak Ada Datanya

Ms Excel Kemdikbud


Cara Mengaktifkan Macro
Belajar Macro Excel

Cara Membuat Tombol Tambah Menggunakan Macro
Cara Membuat Kwitansi Dengan Macro

Cara Membuat Faktur Pembayaran SPP Dengan Macro
Cara Mengatasi Macro Yang Error Disabled Pada Microsoft Excel


OM 13A (Office 3): Internet and LAN (Office Integration)
Midtest Links
Student's Blogs
UAS blog links (Last Exam OM13A)

Lesson 1 Introduction to Internet
Lesson 2 Creating a Blog
Lesson 3 Page, Picture, Video, Download, Layout
Lesson 4  
Lesson 5 File Sharing

Lesson 9 Printer Sharing and LAN Video
Lesson 10 Import (Access and Excel)
Lesson 12 Outlook and Gmail
Lesson 14 Posting by Schedule

Formative Test and Task 4

Task 4: Map Directory and Printer Sharing OM Lab 3

Task 4: Map Directory and Printer Sharing OM Lab 4

Task 4: Map Directory and Printer Sharing OM Lab 5 

Task of Internet and LAN
T12 (Gmail dan Outlook)

Blog Addresses of OM Lab 3
Blog Addresses of OM Lab 4
Blog Addresses of OM Lab 5 

Midtest OM Lab 3
Midtest OM Lab 4
Midtest OM Lab 5 

Task Mail Merge OM Lab 3
Task Mail Merge OM Lab 4
Task Mail Merge OM Lab 5

Microsoft Word and Power Point (Office 1) 
BA 11 and OM 13 C
Word 1
Word 2

Office 2 (Microsoft Excel)
IK 17 A and IK 17 B
Excel 1
Excel 2

Last Exam OM Lab 3
Last Exam OM Lab 4
Last Exam OM Lab 5

Office 2 (Microsoft Excel)
Excel 1
Excel 2
Excel 3 
Excel 4
Excel 5

Excel 7: IF + OR
Excel 8: VLOOKUP
Excel 9: HLOOKUP
Excel 12 Statistical Database
Excel 13 Sorting, Left, Group, Pivot
Tutorial for Microsoft Word and Power Point (Office 1) 2016-2017

Lesson 1 Word
Lesson 2 Word
Lesson 3 (No file)
Task 1
Lesson 4 Word
Lesson 5 (No file)
Lesson 6 Word
Lesson 7 Word

Lesson 8 PowerPoint
Lesson 9 PowerPoint
Task 2 (BA Only)

Lesson 12 PowerPoint

Task 2 (TO Only)

Pre Midtest BA
Tell your skill 3 paragraphs!

Pre Midtest TO
Tell your skill 3 paragraphs!

Tell your skill 4 slides!
Design: themes

Midtest Questions (Office 1):
BA 10
TO 15A
TO 15B

Excel 1
Excel 2
Excel 3
Excel 4
Excel 5: IF + AND

Excel 6: Exercises in the Lab about IF
Excel 7: IF + OR
Task 3: IF

Excel 8: VLOOKUP
Excel 9: HLOOKUP (Meeting 12)


Tutorial for Typing Tutorial 2015-2016
1. Introduction to Typing Tutorial
Task 1: Browse online typing sites!

2. Third and Fifth Row from Top
Task 2: Type 2.2 to 2.19 in Lesson 2 !

3. Numbers, Punctuation Mark and Simple texts
Task 3: Send via e-mail! The text:
de de de ki ki ki fr fr fr ju ju ju jm jm jm fv fv fv jn jn jn fb fb dc dc
,; ,; .\ .\ [{ ][ {/ ?/ ]} ]} ‘! ‘! %( %) +- =! -%
ft ft jy jy lo lo sw sw pp ap sx sx aq aq az az
ay sf ds fj g- hi jr ko l;

4. Typing Simple Texts 60-90 CPM or HPM