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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Arabic: Popular Books for Learning Arabic Language in Classical Method

Popular Books for Learning Arabic Language in Classical Method

Before Indonesian people know modern methods for learning Arabic, they have known classical method with certain books. These books have strongest influence to Arabic language development in this country.

In simple, there are two main studies of Arabic language:

1. Nahwu, it is grammar of Arabic language. In grammar, we know how to make a true sentence. In English, we also know about tenses.

2. Sharaf, it is change of Arabic’ vocabulary, such as verb, noun, and so on. In English, we also know about the Eight Parts of Speech.

From two of the studies above, students most know about Nahwu, because Sharaf is relatively standardized and tend to be memorized is like regular and irregular verbs in English.

In understanding of Nahwi, students often experience difficult. In classical method, they must memorize books about Nahwu, then practice it in less examples. Therefore, there are students who memorized rules of Nahwu, but can not implement them though in simple sentence.

Beside it, there is advantage of the memorizing method, they can debate about grammar of Arabic fluently.

The most popular books about Arabic grammar are Jurumiyah and Alfiyah. Jurumiyah is basic of the grammar. It is usually on a level with Arabic materials in Islamic Senior High School. While Alfiyah is high level in Arabic grammar. So, a few students who can understand it.

As illustration, original Jurumiyah book contains 28 pages. It is written full in Arabic version. It is also known as Matan Jurumiyah. So, students must memorize 28 pages.

To help beginners, there are translation versions (in Indonesian language). Jurumiyah contains 198 pages, while Alfiyah contains 506 pages.

Today materials of them frequently is taught using modern method with characteristic: student must not memorize two of the books, but they can understand them, them implement them in practice ways, such as making sentences, and so on.

If you have different methods, I am very glad to hear that.
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