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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

After Using Notebook for 1 Year

After Using Notebook for 1 Year

General users usually hope they will not get error of their notebook for long time later. But we must realize that computer is electronic tool. So it needs good maintenance routinely.

I write here about experience of some users when using notebook. It relates with software. Those are:

1.      Some of them get error in operating system after accessing of it for 3 months. So, we must install it again.
2.      Some of them get error in operating system after accessing of it for 6 months. So, we must install it again.

The experiences above are often happened. If the users know about computer, they can install it by their selves. But for users who don’t understand about computer, then they must bring it to repairs service.

How if operating system of our notebook is not error?
We persistently must prepare to repair it after 1 year using. Data will cramp our notebook.
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