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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy Information From Triond

After I read complain from a contributor of Triond related plagiarism to her articles, today I look at her update. I can find about new five articles after the complain. This brings happy information or fresh wind for me. It more motivates me to submit my articles in Triond again. For a moment I can say that Triond is trust. Why? Not easy people who have been complained and said good bye, today back to join again.

One more, may be a little input, my articles about Internet and computer are more popular than others (education, social, etc). Therefore, we can know that people interest in the world is still directed on Internet. Online business is one of hot topics in Internet field. And software popularity is one of hot topics in computer field.

Even so, I will persistently write about information system and education. Because two of them are my concentration. And about the hot topics above, they will be made as my mind refreshing. I also realize that online business and software development is part of information system study.
"Boleh Konsultasi Masuk Jurusan Sistem Informasi via IG atau Tiktok."
Tips Skripsi Program Studi Sistem Informasi

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