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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Save Our Data from Broken Hard Disk

Save Our Data from Broken Hard Disk

When we turn on good computer, we will hear bad sound from our CPU unit. Our computer loading run fluently, not wait till slowest.

But if our computer has problem, usually we hear unusual sound and loading needs long time. One of the problems is broken hard disk.

If we hear sound of CPU unit, we can hear hard disk nearly. Does it produce a sound or not? If the hard disk produces a sound, so it is broken.

If hard disk was broken, we must save our data soon. Actually, we must not wait until broken, routinely we must backup our data such as daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly depend our necessary.

Alright, be careful when our hard disk produces a sound! And do data back up data routinely!

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1 comment:

  1. I've never thought of anything like that. But you should be right, It could be a good thing to do.
