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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Arabic is a Most Difficult Language

Although difficulty is most relative, but sometimes people want to categorize languages according to difficulty level.

I am learning English and Arabic now. In fact English is not categorized difficult, while Arabic language is categorized as the second difficult language from five languages.

What is the first?
The answer is Chinese language or Mandarin. I agree with this reference because I ever learn it autodidactly. The result, either Mandarin or Japanese, they make me difficulty in understanding Kanji (letters of the languages).

Difficulty of Arabic also is often happened in reading. In Mandarin, I am difficult to read it totally, while in Arabic, I can read it by helping of sakal (special marks in Arabic, including: Fathah, Dhomah, and Kasrah).

So, do you have experience difficulty in your language?

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