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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Definition of Database Management System

There are some terms in Information System or Database study, such as DBMS, RDBMS, DRDMS, and so on. Those often make me doubt, is it software or concept?

Database Management System (DBMS) is software that holds all accesses on database (Date 2004: 46).

In other reference, DBMS is organizing and processing system of database on computer (Febrian 2004: 134).

Although DBMS is called as software, but I still don’t find it in a tool name. In some books, it tends to represent to concept. They don’t say tool name such as Delphi, Visual Basic, and so on. But it tends to software category, for example making instruction by using SQL.

If you have opinion, please feel free comment here.

Date C. J. 2004. Pengenalan Sistem Basisdata. Jakarta: PT Indeks Group Gramedia.

Febrian Jack. 2004. Kamus Pengetahuan Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi. Bandung: Informatika.
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