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Friday, January 3, 2014


Last time, information system became a hope to help people in finishing a job, moreover complex activities. People satisfied when finding much information on a web or an application. Now, people hope a system can work itself without human involvement either entirely or partially. It can be imagined that the system is wanted having robotic capability or like an expert, such as doctor. Therefore Decision Support System (DSS) term is known people, especially who like computer involvement. Before DSS, people knew Expert System (ES) as a clever system.

Decision Support System is a system that can solve a problem efficiently and effectively (Suryadi dan Ramdhani, 2002, 1). In other reference stated that Decision Support System (DSS) is an interactive, flexible and adaptable Computer-Based Information System (CBIS). There are three levels of DSS technology (a) Specific DSS, (b) DSS Generator, and (c) DSS Tools. Specific DSS is finished DSS that actually accomplishes the work. DSS Generators is an integrated package of software that provides a set of capabilities to build a specific DSS quickly, inexpensively, and easily. DSS Tools is a set of software utilities that facilitates the development of either DSS Generators or Specific DSS.

Expert system (ES) is a computer program that imitates an expert’s intellectual with expertise in a certain knowledge field (Kusrini, 2006, 1). It is part of DSS development. ES is very supported by artificial intelligence. The real example of ES is medical consultation application, whereas DSS is ATM. Of course, depend on its user.

1. Kadarsyah Suryadi and M. Ali Ramdhani. 2002. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan: Suatu Wacana Struktural Idealisasi dan Implementasi Konsep Pengambilan Keputusan. Bandung: Rosda.
2. Komarudin Tasdik. 2011. Kompilasi Bahan Kuliah Sistem Informasi Strata Dua Ilmu Komputer IPB, (in English), Lecturer: Kudang Boro Seminar. Sumedang.
3. Kusrini. 2006. Sistem Pakar: Teori dan Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Andi.

[Archive 25/11/2011]
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