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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Plato Biography

Plato was born in Athena, 427 B.C. and died there in 347 B.C. when 80 years old. He is from an aristocracy family that hereditarily held important politics in Athena politics. Since young, he had also aspired to be a statesman. But political development in his time had not given him a chance to achieve what’s desired in following his way of life. Early, his name is Aristokles. Name Plato was given his teacher. He had gotten the name because his shoulder is wide.

Corresponding with his high body and his sturdy face, his lovely parts of body and face actually cast for classical creation about beautiful man. Good and harmony include all of his body. In the big and healthy body, deep and pierce mind also nested. Gaze of his eyes pointed out as he wants fill the real world with his ideal.


[Arsip 19/6/2011]
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