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Tuesday, January 7, 2014


There is some strength and weakness PHP based on online reference, that is PHP programming language is a script language that doesn’t have a compilations;  Web Server for PHP can be found anywhere, such as apache, IIS, Lighttpd, until Xitami with the configuration is relatively easy; it developing is easier, because there are some milists (mailing lists) and developer who ready to help; understanding of PHP scripting language is easiest because of having much references; PHP is open source language that can be used in some machine (Linux, Unix, Macintosh, Windows) and can be run in runtime through console and also can run system’s instructions (Source 1; Source 2).

PHP is website programming language that is often used today; it is often used to program dynamical website (Source 3). PHP is very good to make prototype; this language is also main language related Wordpress (Source 4).

Based on TIOBE Index, PHP programmer is very much in the world. In April 2007 and 2008, the index of PHP is number four under Java, C, and Visual Basic (Source 5; Source 6). In other reference stated that the index of PHP is number five under Java, C, C++, Visual Basic (Source 7).

Because majority of programmers still use C++ language, so PHP is more popular than ASP; PHP doesn’t need cost because of using Linux Server; PHP is very flexible in database connectivity, can be connected to some databases, generally using MySQL (free); PHP code is running quicker than ASP; Most of tools related PHP program are open source software, alias free (Source 8).

PHP is relatively more simple than; PHP has better support for database management system, MySQL; PHP is better to support other database management system, see SQLite; PHP is open source, so supporter may come from all around the world; most of PHP support can be found directly online by simple searching in Internet; PHP is built to support ftp, email, and also MySQL (Source 9).

Beside the strength, PHP also has some weakness among others: it is not detail for developing big scale; it doesn’t have actually object oriented programming system; it doesn’t separate among display and logic well; it has certain security weakness if a programmer doesn’t charm in doing programming and less pay attention on PHP configuration issues; PHP code can be read people, and compilation can be done only by expensive tool from Zend (Source 10). This programming language is possible not for good long-term solution because there is better option for big scale building (Source 11).

This article is revision edition from my article in Indonesian version at It is one of inputs as information for who want to learn PHP. It’s better, if we read other references to be wiser in doing action.


Source 1; Source 2, Source 3, Source 4, Source 5; Source 6, Source 7, Source 8, Source 9, Source 10, Source 11

[Arsip 2/10/2012]
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