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Tuesday, January 7, 2014


There is some information about success business in Internet. For example becoming blogger, a man/woman who writes on a blog, often gets much money after managing his/her blog well.  The most familiar free blog domain provider is Blogspot and Wordpress. Two of them is often used by blogger.

I found information about the success blogger with Google Adsense program, among others:

1.      Markus Frind - - $300,000 (Rp.3 Billions) Per month

2.      Kevin Rose - - $250,000 (Rp 2.5 Billions) Per month

3.      Jeremy Schoemaker - $140,000 (Rp.1.4 Billions) per month

4.      Jason Calacanis - Weblogs, Inc. - $120,000 (Rp.1.2 Billions) per month

5.      5. David Miles Jr. & Kato Leonard - $100,000 (Rp.1 Billions) per month

6.      Tim Carter - - $30,000 (Rp. 300 Million) per month

7.      Joel Comm - e-book - $24,000 (Rp. 240 Million) per month

8.      Shawn Hogan - - $10,000 (Rp 100 Million) per month

Also, there are some success bloggers in the world. Their names and each Niche as follow:

1.      Alborz Fallah –Blog Car

2.      Collis Ta’eed –Blog Tutorial

3.      Darren Rowse –Blog Make Money Blogging

4.      Gary Vaynerchuk – Blog Anggur

5.      Harvey Levin –Blog Celebrities GoSsip

6.      Heather B. Armstrong –Blog Motivation

7.      Jake and Amir –Blog Humor

8.      Jeremy Schoemaker –Blog Adsense

9.      Josh Marshall –Blog Humor

10.  Lisa Stone –Blog Women

11.  Mario Lavandeira –Blog Holywood Celebrities Gossip

12.  Michelle Malkin –Blog Controvercy

13.  Michael Arrington –Blog Technology

14.  Pete Cashmore –Blog Social Media Sites

15.  Robert Scoble –Blog Training

16.  Steve Pavlina –Blog Make Money Online

17.  Tim Ferriss –Blog Motivation

18.  Timothy Sykes –Blog Investment

19.  Tucker Max –Blog Conqueror for women

20.  Yaro Starak - Entrepreneurs-Journey For SEO

Therefore, I hope list of blogger’s income will motivate us to manage blog as chance for getting money. While Niches of the blogs above will inspire us to decide what niches will be taken for our blog. The niche what will be taken us may be better if suitable with our skill, knowledge, hobby, education, or other our ability background. If do what we like, then struggle continuously, it will bring us to good future, especially in keeping blogging activity. Boring and stress will be faced more easily, so our content can be updated everyday.


[Arsip 2/10/2012]
"Boleh Konsultasi Masuk Jurusan Sistem Informasi via IG atau Tiktok."
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