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Monday, February 10, 2014

What’s Philosophy? Definition of Philosophy and Islam Philosophy

Philosophy is often viewed most difficult to learn and to practice. Lexically, philosophy is “to love wisdom”. It’s from thought tradition of ancient Greek.

What is philosophy?
According to a philosopher father Socrates, it is: “What is human and what is highest goodness for human?”

His student, Plato stated: “it is an effort to find clarity and accurateness by persevering ways that is done continuously.”

Yuyun S. Sumantri (1982) gives analogy that a person who philosophizes is like a person who stands on the earth and looks up stars.

In philosophy, at least there are three basic questions. They are about God, world and human. But not all questions is philosophical questions, some of them have characteristic ‘pragmatic’, and some else are ‘scientific’.

Philosophy will ask something what can not be reached by knowledge. It initiates some knowledge field, so develops to be technology for human. After that, philosophy can ask again about how is developed knowledge? And asking again about other things that are not achievable yet.

Philosophy tradition was begun from ancient Greece by asking material essence of world. Socrates did a change by focusing philosophy on human. Then, it developed through his students Plato and Aristotle till now.

Aristotle initiated some disciplines branches, either about world or human. From Greece, then it’s developed in Islam culture. Influence of this philosophy has been felt by Muslims since first century Hijriyah that is named as Hellenism. So, Muslim scientists started to translate, comment, interpret, even develop philosophy tradition with Islamic natures.

Philosophy is used to give stronger position on belief basics in Islam, though it’s often viewed as a strange tradition in Islam tradition.

Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah. 2010. Pengantar Filsafat, Paper. Komisariat Persiapan “Insan Cita” Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) Cabang Tasikmalaya. Hlm. 1-14, file: Pengantar Filsafat  (LK 1 HMI UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya).pdf
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