According to Yuyun S. Suriasumantri (2005), Philosophy studies include:
1. Logics: What’s true and false?
2. Ethics: What’s good and bad?
3. Aesthetics: What is categorized as a beautiful thing and bad thing?
There are the studies in more detail:
1. Epistemology (knowledge philosophy)
2. Ethics (moral philosophy)
3. Esthetics (art philosophy)
4. Metaphysics
5. Politics (government philosophy)
6. Religion philosophy
7. Science philosophy
8. Education philosophy
9. Law philosophy
10. History philosophy
11. Math philosophy
Kattsoff (2004) provided philosophy fields with each main questions as following:
1. Logics: What’re true conclusion laws?
2. Methodology: What’re observation techniques?
3. Metaphysic
4. Ontology: What’s fact?
5. Cosmology: Why can be fact regulated?
6. Epistemology: What’s truth?
7. Philosophical biology: What’s life?
8. Philosophical psychology: What’s soul?
9. Philosophical anthropology: What’s human?
10. Philosophical sociology: What are society and country?
11. Ethics: What’s good?
12. Esthetics: What’s beautiful?
13. Religious philosophy: What’s religious?
Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah. 2010. Pengantar Filsafat, Paper. Komisariat Persiapan “Insan Cita” Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) Cabang Tasikmalaya. Hlm. 1-14, file: Pengantar Filsafat (LK 1 HMI UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya).pdf
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