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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What is Philosophy? Definition of Philosophy? Characteristics of Philosophy?

Al-Kindi, Ibnu Sina, Ibnu Arabi, and Ibnu Rusyd are Muslim philosophers who influence science tradition development in Islam world. In the era, Western world was experiencing darkness era; philosophy and science were not developed well.

Western world hold important control again after renaissance era. They are victorious in modern era including philosophy, science and technology. We can see it by looking again at birth of some philosophers, such as Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Heigel, Heideger, Laplace, etc.

After that, Islam philosophy doesn’t have influence so much again and increasingly going down, though not dead.

According to Kattsoff (2004) in this e-book:
·         Philosophy brings us to understanding and action;
·         Philosophy willingness is thinking strictly;
·         Philosophy views every thing from point of eternity view;
·         Philosophy is cogitation systematically.

Characteristics of philosophical thought are
1.      Philosophical contemplation tries to arrange some conceptual diagram.
2.      A philosophical system must have coherent nature.
3.      Philosophy is rational thought.
4.      Philosophy always has comprehensive nature.
5.      Philosophy tries to understand all facts by arranging a world view that gives explanation about the world and its content.

Shortly, philosophy is thinking wholly, fundamentally and speculatively. The speculative is a speculative based on logical and valid argumentation.

Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah. 2010. Pengantar Filsafat, Paper. Komisariat Persiapan “Insan Cita” Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) Cabang Tasikmalaya. Hlm. 1-14, file: Pengantar Filsafat  (LK 1 HMI UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya).pdf
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