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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to Learn Arabic in Modern Era in Indonesia?

Although Indonesia is a country with Muslim majority, but interest for learning Arabic as a language of Quran or language of Islam is still low. Moreover in this global era, many Indonesian people prefer learning other foreign languages, such as English, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, French, German, and Spanish.

Arabic is learnt in Islamic boarding school or pesantren. Many pesantren (except modern pesantren) are known teaching Arabic with traditional methods, such as to translate a book, students only ask teacher, not using a dictionary.

Fortunately, Indonesia also has Islamic formal school which is known as Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Elementary School), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Junior High School), Madrasah Aliyah (Senior High School), and State Islamic University.

In the schools, students learn Arabic with modern methods similar to learn English. Text, Audio and Video are used though they are not many as media for learning English.
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