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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Unique Photos of Ramadan in Indonesia, Sahur

Sahur is eating before daybreak during the fasting month (before Adzan Subuh). Some Indonesian people sometimes inform their neighbors by going around an area with unique ways.

They play music with traditional instruments: short bamboo (similar to Angklung/Calung) and drum of water (empty). They also like singing traditional songs or Islamic songs with unique rythm (Sunda:.hahaleuangan, nadoman)

They look singing full feeling. he...he...

They play tambourine (rebana). In Sunda area (West Java), it's also known by genjring or band kepret. ha...ha...

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1 comment:

  1. wah meriah sekali ya acara sahur nya, pasti langsung pada bangun nih warga nya hehehe :D
