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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Welcome to Ramadan in Indonesia

Indonesia with majority of Muslims has unique things in Ramadan month, such as keramas, sahur, ngabuburit, tadarus, tarawih, etc. Although Islam comes from Arabia and spreading out in the world, including Indonesia, but this country occasionally combines Islam culture and Indonesia culture.

Some people take a bath before starting Ramadan month, in a river together, pool with friends, or alone in a bathroom.

Such taking a bath is also known as keramas and padusan. Basically it's similar to taking a bath for cleaning ritual impurity for doing 5 main prayers. But some sources state that keramas is not from Islam, it's only a tradition of Indonesia.

Bagaimana Hukum 'Padusan' Jelang Ramadhan?
Keramas Sebelum Masuk Ramadhan.

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1 comment:

  1. tak terasa ya mas ternyata kita sudah memasuki bulan ramadhan lagi, selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa ya, semoga makin lancar dan meningkat ibdah nya di bulan yang suci ini
