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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Name of Months in Indonesian Language

Hello Katabah!
To remember name of the months a year by Indonesian language is not difficult because they are most similar to English.

Januari: January
Pebruari: February
Maret: March
April: April (same)
Mei: May
Juni: June

Juli: July
Agustus: August
September: September (same)
Oktober: October
Nopember: November
Desember: December

Let us implement some of them in a sentence:
1. Bulan pertama adalah Januari.
(First month is January)
Bulan: month
Pertama: first
Adalah is

2. Setelah Januari adalah bulan Pebruari.
(After January is February)
Setelah: after
Bulan Pebruari: February (It must not be February month)

3. Saya lahir pada bulan Juni.
(I was born on June)
Saya: I
Lahir: was born
Pada: on

4. Bulan April adalah bulan spesial.
(April is a special month)
Spesial: special

5. Dia menemui saya bulan Agustus ini.
(He meets me on this August)
Dia: he
Menemui: meet
Saya: me (object)
Ini: this

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