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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Noun in Indonesian Language

Hello Katabah!
In Indonesian language, ‘noun’ is known as “kata benda”. Noun in English will cause a change of a verb, but in Indonesian is not so. Singular noun and plural noun will use same verb form.

In this post, I will introduce vocabulary about noun first. After that, I will make examples in some sentences.

Singular Noun
1. buku: book
2. pulpen: pen
3. tas: bag
4. sekolah: school
5. hotel: hotel (same)

Plural Noun
1. buku-buku: books
2. tiga buah pulpen: three pens
3. banyak tas: many bags
4. sekolah-sekolah: school
5. dua hotel: two hotels

Sentence examples:
1. Ada sebuah sekolah di sini.
(There is a school here)
Ada: there is
Di sini: here

2. Ada 10 sekolah di sini.
(There are ten schools here)
10: ten
10 sekolah: ten schools
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