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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Learning Indonesian Language More Completely

Hello Katabah!
I make a commitment for my self to write articles in Indonesian and English, “Today is English, Tomorrow is Indonesian.” So, you will find my articles on this blog in two languages more frequently.

This morning, I want to share about how to understand sentences in bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language). In this post, I share several examples, then you can find other examples on Belajar Melengkapi Kalimat Bahasa Inggris 2PS_17-1. As usual, it contains 20 sentences (questions).

I take this example:
They make [kesalahan-kesalahan] in the spelling.
Indonesian translation: Mereka membuat kesalahan-kesalahan dalam ejaan.

The sentence above is a question for you. So, you must answer: “What is the meaning of ‘kesalahan-kesalahan’ in English vocabulary?”

The answer is “mistakes”.
We know that word “mistakes” is plural, while its singular form is “mistake”. In Indonesian, word “mistake” is “kesalahan”.

By understanding the sentence above – especially word “kesalahan-kesalahan”, we know that to make a plural word in Indonesian, we just do a repetition (pengulangan). Other examples:

Batu (stone): singular
Batu-batu (stones): plural

Siswa (student) : singular
Siswa-siswa (students): plural

Guru (teacher): singular
Guru-guru (teachers): plural

Buku (book): singular
Buku-buku (books): plural

In simple way, to cange a singular word becoming a plural word is “by repetition”.

But especially for human, we also can add “para” before a main word (or before noun). For example:

Guru-guru (teachers)
Para guru (teachers)
So, we can use “guru-guru” or “para guru”. Two of them are plural.

Siswa-siswa (students)
Para siswa (students)
So, we can use “siswa-siswa” or “para siswa”. Two of them are plural too.

In some conditions, using “para siswa” will make a sentence looks more beautiful than using “siswa-siswa”.

OK. That’s all. If you want to do some Indonesian exercises, then you can find them on menu Tes Vocab.

Good luck and see you later!
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