Hello Katabah!
How to learn Japanese
Kanji for beginners? I have the answer. Let’s read ten Kanji below and then we
do the exercise online and interactively.
1. 一
Romaji: ichi
English: one
2. 二
Romaji: ni
English: two
3. 人
Romaji: jin
English: person
4. 八
Romaji: hachi
English: eight
5. 十
Romaji: juu
English: ten
6. 口
Romaji: koo
English: mouth
7. 土
Romaji: do
English: land
8. 夕
Romaji: yuu
English: night
9. 女
Romaji: joo
English: woman
10. 子
Romaji: shi
English: kid
To memorize ten Kanji
above, we can do exercise Learning Kanji_M_13-1. It can be run online,
free and interactively.
We can answer Kanji with
Romaji or the meaning in English. For example:
We can answer: shi,
if we are learning “how to read Kanji.”
We also can answer: kid,
if we are learning “how to know the meaning of the Kanji.”
Oh ya, if you are still
learning Hiragana dan Katakana only, not including Kanji, then you can do other
exercises. I have published some exercises: Romaji, Hiragana and Katakana.
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