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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Formative Test and Task 4

Preparation for Formative Test
Make tutorials in the lab (May 16, 2017 when I am teaching) about:
1. Importing from Microsoft Excel into Access and otherwise
2. Outlook and Gmail
a. Settings in Gmail
b. Settings in Outlook (without Test Account Settings)

Possibility for formative test:
a. I will ask you one by one: two or three questions! Or
b. You must publish the tutorials at your blog.

Task 4
1. Make tutorials about:
a. Map Directory (Post 1)
b. Printer Sharing (Post 2)
c. Minimum one picture, maximum 5 pictures per tutorial
d. File name of the pictures: your full name
e. Caption of the pictures: your full name 1, full name 2 till full name 5
f. Tutorial must be simple, but clear.

2. Publish your tutorials on your blog!
3. Send your tutorials (file *.doc) via my e-mail!
a. File name: Full Name + Class + T4
b. Subject: Full Name + Class + T4

4. Comment on page Task 4 Map Directory and Printer Sharing at my blog! (Your Full Name and Two Post Links)
5. Deadline May 20, 2017 (12 p.m.)
"Boleh Konsultasi Masuk Jurusan Sistem Informasi via IG atau Tiktok."
Tips Skripsi Program Studi Sistem Informasi



  2. Santi Nur Hadi Yanti OM 11 C T4
